Second Life

A 12-Week Program To Conquer Your Money Fears, Challenge Your Perceptions and Live Your Best Life

I help people who are afraid of running out of money in retirement, concerned about what retirement means for them and challenged with how their identity will change without their career guiding them. They may fear losing friends, their health and meaning in their lives.

Second Life

A 12-Week Program To Conquer Your Money Fears, Challenge Your Perceptions and Live Your Best Life

I help people who are afraid of running out of money in retirement, concerned about what retirement means for them and challenged with how their identity will change without their career guiding them. They may fear losing friends, their health and meaning in their lives.

About Me

January 2020: Something had to give. Everything was changing right before my eyes. My career was coming to an end. My marriage was ending, too. Little did I know that my plans for health, wealth, and a happy retirement would be the first victims of the pandemic in my life.

For decades, I had more money than time. I had a prosperous career in finance that paid for a lavish lifestyle. Looking back on it now, it was all a bit of compensation for buying into someone else's dream: big career, big house, nice cars, and fun hobbies, etc. Along the way something got lost: Me. I forgot what was really important. I let my health slip, my friends slide and I thought obligation was the same as love. It's really painful not being yourself.

Long story short: I lost almost everything, and it was the best thing that happened to me in a long, long time. Fortunately I had enough to answer a few critical questions: Who am I now? Where do I belong? What’s important in the life I have left? And who do I go with?

So off I went on a quest to understand what life could be for a 60-year-old. 9 countries in two years (I’ve had more COVID tests than anyone I know). Along the way, I rekindled friendships, made a home in Europe, and realized what it takes to be happy. What surprised me is how little I need to make it so. A few years later: I’m really fit, I’m a great friend, and I learned what makes me truly satisfied: helping people. Let me help you with your Second Life.

John is a Certified Executive Coach and Certified Retirement Coach (Certifications from the International Coaching Federation, The Center for Executive Coaching and CPRC). John was a CPA before a long career in investment banking and alternative asset management.

ho It Is For?

This program is for:

  • People who are afraid of running out of money in retirement.

  • People who wonder what they will do in retirement.

  • People who secretly hate the idea of retirement.

  • People who have retired and are struggling.

ho It Is Not For?

This program is not for :

  • Folks who won't invest time and/or money in their future.

  • Folks who already have it figured out. I know some of them. It's awesome to see.


Introduction to Retirement Planning


  • Understand the full retirement planning process so that you know what you need to do and what you can expect.

  • Learn about financial planning for retirement so that you can participate fully in your financial future.


Your journey to retirement freedom begins with understanding your financial position. In this section, we discuss your concerns and desires and gather data for your financial plan.


Baseline Financial Plan Review


  • Get clarity on baseline retirement cash so you see the path ahead and can begin planning for aspirations and concerns,

  • Understand the variables that affect cash longevity to promote a real understanding of your plan.

  • Begin to describe your aspirational plans and concerns so you can create scenarios that protect you from risks and provide for your dreams.


Many people avoid the truth about their finances and don’t have a realistic plan. This module provides the foundation for fully understanding your current and future financial position and cashflow.


Aspirational Plan Reviews


  • Imagine future where you are comfortable with your financial needs and resources.

  • Understand what you must do to provide for your financial retirement health.

  • Explore the other important aspects of retirement: emotional, physical, relationships, and engagement.


You need more than a cash flow projection to feel comfortable about your retirement. And you need more than an investment advisor to plan your finances. In this module, we dig in deep into your concerns for health and safety and your aspirations for a meaningful, happy retirement. This is where you shake off the fears and plan for the future.


Complete the Financial Plan; Start the Life Plan


  • Gain complete clarity on your financial resources.

  • Resolve your financial fears.

  • Recognize the opportunity this stage of life offers.


Here we add the finishing touches to your financial plans. But this is just the end of the beginning. Now we start to plan for your life experiences in retirement. After all, you've earned the freedom. Why not spend it on something you truly value?


Introduction to Retirement Coaching Part Two


  • Discover what you know about retirement and what might trip you up.

  • Dispel age old myths about retirement.

  • Engage your Second Life Planning.


Many people fear retirement. They may see it as an undesirable destination, or worry about what they will do. In this module, we will explore all things to do with retirement and start redefining what it can be for you.


What do you need to be happy in your Second Life?


  • Clear up some long-held misunderstandings about retirement.

  • Explore what you will miss from your work life.

  • Get clear on what makes the difference between a happy retirement and an unfulfilling one.


Time to make it personal. In this module, we will get clear on what you want. We see what you will miss from your work life, who you would like to spend time with, what you value, and what makes you feel alive.


Second Life Planning


  • Set aside the outdated and useless concepts about this stage of life.

  • Fashion your “No Regrets” retirement plan: Emotional, Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Financial.

  • Create your “Curious List” of things you would like to do and experience.

  • Devise a “Wellness Plan” that covers health and longevity.

  • Reflect on friendships and family: what works, what doesn’t.

  • Explore aspects of positive psychology that are important for a happy life: Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning and Accomplishment.


Many of us can’t wait to stop working, but then what? In this section, we get into the meat of retirement and what it means to you. You decide where you want to go, what you want to do and who you want to go with. And how to be healthy while doing it.


Legacy Planning


  • Understand what legacy is and what it means to you.

  • Assess what you value, the top five life lessons you’ve learned.

  • Express your love and gratitude, favorite memories and traditions, and your hopes for the future.


Many folks have a financial wealth transfer plan, but what about inner wealth? How will you pass on the wisdom of your experience and how would you like to be remembered? In this module, you will answer these questions. The transference of wealth alone does not create wisdom; however, the transfer of wisdom can create wealth and maintain it!


Wrap Up


  • Review your finalized plan.

  • Understand how to access my support when you need it.

  • Start living your Second Life.


You came to me worried and anxious about your retirement. Now you are free from money worries and have a plan to really enjoy your Second Life.

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